The real world is no place for dreams." This is the view of many people in today's society. Many people may have childhood dreams but when the heat's on and you've got to decide between dream life or take care of today, many people settle somewhere outside the parameters of what they long to become. It's not easy to experience the pain and despair of rejection, isolation, betrayal, uncertainty, and other negative emotions that are associated with the road of pursuing dreams. Most people give in to the "real world" syndrome and find a paying gig that gets them through life and feeds the kids, while their dream lies shattered in their hearts.
"And it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, "Lie with me." But he refused and said to his master's wife, "Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand-How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" Genesis 39: 7-8
Joseph was given a dream by God as a young man and he embraced that dream. His first reward for being a dreamer was being sold into slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his lofty dreams. While he was in slavery, his master's wife became strongly attracted to him but when he refused to commit adultery with her, she made a claim that Joseph tried to rape her and he ended up in prison for not sleeping with his boss's wife. How ridiculous is that!
We learn that making the right choices and living a life of integrity will produce a great life for us but here we see the hard truth of where integrity and righteousness lands you on your road to living your dreams. Joseph is being tested here by God. Joseph was not on trial because of his actions with Potiphar's wife, he was on trial against his accuser, Satan, who questioned Joseph's loyalties and commitment just as he did with Job. Satan poses the question to every single dreamer out there; "Will you serve God even if you are punished for it?" But God also has a question that He poses in your unfair suffering, "Do you love your dream more than you love Me?"
You will come face to face with these questions if you plan on pursuing your dreams in life. So many people take short cuts to their dream when the temptation arises. People wake up one day and see that they've become a mutated version of what they originally hoped to become. You know the story- a young lady moves to the 'city of dreams' in hopes of becoming a big movie star just like her role model. After a couple of years of hard rejection and broken hope she begins to notice other 'opportunities' of making some fast cash in front of the cameras. She says that she's only doing this to get her through.
Most people start out with good intentions but the pain that is associated with the road of success either makes you or it breaks you. The road to success never leaves anyone the same way they came in to it. You will either grow bitter or you will grow better. You will either become a master of your experiences or you will become a monster on the road that leads to your dreams.
Joseph became a master of his experiences because he learned to master his thoughts, his feelings, and his emotions on a daily basis. Joseph learned 2 great things that helped him win in life. 1. Joseph overcame bitterness. He didn't get bitter because of his unjust treatment. He didn't seek to get even and get revenge on people. He didn't play negative scenes in his head every night like we sometimes do. I'm sure that he grieved over what is brothers had done and over what Potiphar's wife had done but he didn't dwell on these things.
He forgave these people and embraced mercy and love. We see Joseph's forgiveness when he finally makes it to the top and his brothers are in need of him. He embraced them with love and said "But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here..." Genesis 45: 5
Joseph remained humble to God. While he was the master of Potiphar's house he didn't get cocky like others would have and say, "Why shouldn't I have my boss's wife, I run everything else here?" When some people get authority and temptation presents itself, they indulge, believing their own hype. Joseph didn't, we see that Joseph was actually humbled by his master trusting him with authority.
A humble spirit always ends up winning with God even if it doesn't win at the first. God always exalts those who humble themselves to His will even when it looks like you're being set up for failure.
If you can learn to overcome the bitterness that the road to your dreams will undoubtedly produce and can avoid pride, but instead choose to walk in humility when you are exalted, then you will be setting yourself up for real victory in life. If you can bite down and remain faithful to God and trust in His word even when you're suffering for following Him, you will be setting yourself up to achieve every dream of your heart and beyond.
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