Amidst these troubled times, in this highly commercialized and materialistic world, in the course of our daily lives, we are faced with so many trials, persecutions, physical, emotional, financial and spiritual problems. When you feel things are becoming very complicated and solutions are becoming humanly possible… Be not afraid, it’s very simple, seek the powerful intercession of Mama Mary. Prayers is the solution to our problems! “I say to you, all the things whatever you ask for in prayer, believing, you shall receive” (Matthew 21:22). Our Blessed Virgin Mother, the Mother of God, Our Mother, Our Mama Mary is calling us to respond to Her pleadings through Her message: PRAY PRAY PRAY, it’s getting very, very, very late, the conversion is too slow, bring souls to my Son. In response to Mama Mary’s call, the Mama Mary’s Movement responded through the “Seed-Love Devotion”. A simple, yet powerful, daily devotional prayer habit that may make the difference in your life.
The seed-love devotion is a daily devotional prayer habit of praying ONE HAIL MARY AT ONE O’CLOCK FOR ONE ANOTHER. It is the forerunner in bringing about a highly motivated program with the vision to involve the collective masses into a prayer crusade. This is the power of united prater. This video was broadcasted daily in the philippines through ABC Channel 5.
The seed-love devotion is a daily devotional prayer habit of praying ONE HAIL MARY AT ONE O’CLOCK FOR ONE ANOTHER. It is the forerunner in bringing about a highly motivated program with the vision to involve the collective masses into a prayer crusade. This is the power of united prater. This video was broadcasted daily in the philippines through ABC Channel 5.