Then, in the fullness of time Jesus came and redeemed you by His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. He is the Light that shines in the darkness (John 1). Call on the Name of Jesus. He is as near as the mention of His Name. He knows your needs before you even ask.
You can go to Him as a little child climbs on his daddy's knee. Jesus taught us how to pray by giving us what is widely known as the Lord's Prayer. Sadly, however, many people who recite it by memory do so without knowing the full context of the verse in the Bible. They may not realize that Jesus in the text immediately preceding this prayer warns his disciples not to pray repetitive words, as the Pharisees and others do. Instead, He teaches to go into your prayer "closet," a quiet, restful place undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of daily life.
The Lord's Prayer is so rich with so much food for spiritual thought. Meditate on each phrase and then formulate it in your own words. For instance, what does Our Father mean? Why don't you just say "father," "daddy," or "my father"? Might Jesus be explaining in those two words that you are to be mindful of the fact that he is also the "daddy" of the person who may have hurt you deeply? What would be better: reciting "hallowed be thy name" in old English or to praise Him spontaneously, telling Him how much you love Him and thanking Him for all that He has already done for you? Are you aware that He is coming very soon to take you and all those who have made Him Lord over their lives up with Him and that together with Him you will reign forever? Do you pray for the lost to come into His kingdom before that day, and for the fulfillment of His reign on earth and the eventual true Peace?
Just as He has declared every Word in the Bible, which is established in heaven and earth, when you pray do you acknowledge that every Word, for instance: "By His stripes you were healed," (Isa. 53:5) WILL come to pass here on the earth? Your part is only to acknowledge, speak, and believe it. When you ask for your daily bread, wouldn't it be good to thank Him for all His provisions including the ones you need right now?
When you go to God with a contrite heart, you will know that you are forgiven.
Every morning it is a good thing to thank Christ for His precious Blood, which is your covering us from any evil that may befall us. Reach out for His Wisdom in all things with praise on your lips at all times.
Yes, the Lord's Prayer is rich with instructions on how to come near to Him. You may want to open your Bible to it when you pray and meditate on it, phrase by phrase.
You will get a new revelation every time you do so and, best of all, you will experience His Presence!
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